We started in front of the lit Hog, once again ignoring the fact that getting in front of it required the boys to climb over slippery rocks by a water feature. Of course, it took a few tries, since Shawn tends to prefer to look at things behind him! I have many photos of the back of Shawn's head.

Last year the "Hog Lights" photo became our Christmas card--needless to say it was taken a little earlier in the season rather than the week of Christmas! It was also a much colder day, requiring the boys to bundle up.

There was a new bench on the square this year--at least one we'd not used for photographs before. These started out with Shawn looking away from the camera.

Then Tyler looked a different direction.

The guitar on the bench is really great for our boys, especially when they both look at the camera for a photo.

(Fortunately, they're covering their laps in this photo. It wasn't until after this that we discovered Tyler's zipper had been down the entire time. He later told me that I should just fix the pictures to have the zipper zipped--a photo editor in the making! Of course, then he thought it would be neat to be able to click on a hand in the picture and make the hand move down and zip up the zipper. He may be more programmer or flash designer!)
Our next set of photos was a repeat of previous years as well. Last year involved a little hugging.

This year apparently moved into kisses, though they're not completely documented. Tyler started the process, sneaking in a kiss on the cheek while Shawn was crossing his legs--which was supposed to be crossing ankles, but had Shawn sitting criss-cross-applesauce.

Shawn quickly decided turn about was fair play and went after Tyler.

Once they settled back down, Shawn turned around to see the lighted carousel behind them.

Even though we're pretty much used to it, Tyler decided to try to help get Shawn turned back around.

Shawn didn't pay much attention, so Tyler had to get a bit more assertive!

Unfortunately, Tyler may not be happy with me for posting these, since they were taken before we realized the zipper situation!

This was only the first part of our visit. I'll post more about pony rides and Santa soon!
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