Friday, June 13, 2008

On the Road Again

After almost three weeks, I can now drive again! Though I still have some "random" numbness in my feet (especially the toes) and legs, and still up to my rib cage, I have enough sensation that I am becoming accustomed to working through the slight numbness. It's a big relief to be able to drive and be more independent.

I also am able to navigate for longer on the cane, rather than being forced to use the chair. I am glad to have the wheelchair at my school to make navigating to different sides of the building easier, but had no problem going from car to office, even pulling my laptop bag. Which is very good, because I'm already sore from the manual wheel chair! It's difficult to make a grip with my hands. I'm getting good about opening doors and pulling myself through in the chair, but my arms and shoulders are not in great shape for it and are SORE! I definitely need to work on upper body strength.

I did go overboard a bit today, though. I visited the other school I'll be working at next year to meet with the principal and the another tech specialist, and used only the cane. Touring the middle school wing and seeing my office meant walking further than I've been doing. Between the heat and prednisone (and not being able to keep my feet up), my feet have been swelling dramatically in the evenings this week, and after the walking the further distance my feet didn't want to work very well. I also did not sleep well last night; when hubby got up in the middle of the night it woke me up enough to not be able to go back to sleep. So after my school visit (and a brief bank errand), it was time for a nap in the recliner with my poor swollen feet up. I just hope I can sleep tonight!

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